
to the floor - 2004-04-23 15:44:55
those 4 should never meet. hee!
hissandtell - 2004-04-23 19:32:19
In my first year of university I put on weight - about a stone. I went to a female doctor on campus for a girly-checkup and moaned to her about how fat I was and she said, "Oh, that's nothing. When I was in my first year at uni I put on three stone. All the girls do. You stop playing sport and start eating pizzas and drinking too much and you get fat. Don't worry about it, it's normal! You look great. And your vagina's working fine, isn't it?" Now, purple, that's the kind of thing one wants to hear from one's doctor, I tell you! love, R xxx
to the floor - 2004-04-24 21:30:37
i love how hissy and australians and brits can say "stone" and not have to say the larger number of pounds that go into a stone.

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