
Fuzzmom - 2004-04-26 17:55:31
*giggles* McMansion! I learned a new word.
hissandtell - 2004-04-26 18:34:58
Well, frankly, I suspect I would have been down there on the floor a-sweating and a-grunting with Hot Scott - and just quietly, I like to think you would have been, too. And honestly, how about all those girls who used to flirt with Ted Bundy in court and make cow-eyes at him? I wonder how they would have gone in his VW with the inside door lock broken. ("Oh, no, he's different with me, mum, truly.")
Erica - 2004-04-26 18:44:36
Right with you on those dating show bachelors. Prime example: did you ever go to sleep away summer camp. I did (once) and there was this guy in my age group (prob 14 or so at the time) that I thought was SO CUTE! Well, I have since seen the camp group picture and
to the floor - 2004-04-26 19:12:59
but, those are actually opposite parallel theories right? theory one is that someone seems more attractive in a horrible environment (read: office) and theory two is that someone seems more attractive in a fabulous environment (the fruit cheese rumrunner paradise)?
Pam - 2004-04-26 20:07:38
I must be the bad seed. I had a minor dalliance with the hot FedEx Guy at one of my previous jobs. He was ridiculously hot and from Portugal, with the accent.... Rowr! I was taking out the garbage at work and he pulled up to the dumpster and pulled me up in his truck and kissed me. What is more romantic than kissing by a dumpster?? Nothing, I tell you!!! I may have also had inappropriate lunches with the John Stamos + Rob Lowe looking maintenance guy at my last job. Oh no, is this my MO? And wait, how is that a bad thing? Hot men at work? Oh yes. Yes, yes.
sassy - 2004-04-27 08:43:36
"(�Yes, Mother. I�ve heard the rumors about body parts. But I don�t care. We have a connection. I mean, there�s a pool right outside my door! And 24/7 fruit and cheese! And Rum Runners! He�s the one. I just know it.�)" That just cracked me up so hard. We have what have to be the fugliest delivery people EVER at our office. Seriously, it's painful to look at them. So sad.
Pork Tornado - 2004-04-27 13:09:18
It is so good to read original thoughts with no misspellings. So very good that I want to tattoo your name on my cash and prizes.

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