
Poolagirl - 2004-04-29 12:17:30
OMG! I know the same person! Only she lives here in San Diego! GAAAAAA! She name drops about as much as a hippo shits. Do you know how many times a hippo shits? Once - all day long. Ask her that question and have yourself a riot or two or three. She also claims to have snoged a sherpa? Highly unlikely. I don't think they snog...especially with pushy name droppers with hippo shit on their shoes. I know EXACTLY what you are dealing with. Ask her if she knows who cuts Donald Trump's hair. See what she does with that one! WHOO WHOOOOOOO!
to the floor - 2004-04-29 12:53:43
though i think i myself may seem know-it-ally sometimes, i didn't know something i had to look up from your entry today. what a sherpa is. in case anyone reading doesn't know, wants to know, and doesn't fell like looking it up: Sherpa: NOUN: A member of a traditionally Buddhist people of Tibetan descent living on the southern side of the Himalaya Mountains in Nepal and Sikkim. In modern times Sherpas have achieved world renown as expert guides on Himalayan mountaineering expeditions.
NiceGuyMike - 2004-04-29 18:47:29
Personally, I would throw some nice DOL and IRS regs at her, simply because I know that even people who do this all their lives don't necessarily know many of them or what they mean.
Gumphood - 2004-04-30 14:59:49
God Gawd, thats pretty awful. I think people like that should really be flogged...with dead cats. Did I tell you about the time I went to the Indian Wasteland to find the Tut of King Tomb.
Gumphood - 2004-04-30 15:36:39
I was just kidding around because of the whole thing with that girl and the sherpa...just kidding with ya! I have never left my desk.
Gumphood - 2004-04-30 15:51:13
Waiter; I'll take a shoe, and my friend here will have the Sole.
Karen - 2004-04-30 16:45:12
Hey, thanks for adding me as a fave! So...what WAS the tiger thinking?

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