
Poolagirl - 2004-05-11 15:06:38
I just saw the news too, and I am appalled and saddened. Hate begets hate begets hate begets hate. Killing and torture don't solve anything. I, for one, don't think we have or have ever had any business dealing with hate-mongers. I am convinced that all of this crap has, as the root cause, our over-dependent need on OIL. We supported Iraq and other fundamentalist nations for years because we wanted their oil, not because we wanted to help their people. These people do not play nice! We have know that for years! Whatever were were thinking? I am not surprised that 9/11 happened. I am not surprised with the latest news today. Truthfully, nothing surprises me anymore. Play with a snake, and it will bite you. Plain and simple. Agitate the snakes, and they will kill you. There are so many elements of responsibility here. And now, everything is such a fuckin' mess that we can't figure it out. We stay there and allow innocent civilians to be put at risk. I know someone in Iraq doing the same thing Mr. Berg was doing, and the only reason he went over there was to pick up a nice fat check for $120,000 at the end of the year. I can't speak for Mr. Berg, but my friend's madness cannot be measured. He is an idiot and a fool. Not all Iraqi people are seething maniacs, but those who behead people in the name of God are sick and misguided. This is hardball now - and you're right - they have been playing hardball all along. I am confused and angry and really wishing there was some magic answer. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I really applaud you for your entry. I respect you with all my heart. If people would only learn to use words instead of swords and suicide bombs, this world would be a better place. Thank you, dear one. Your feelings mean the world to me. Thank you.
nancy - 2004-05-11 15:35:32
i too saw a video of a beheading done somewhere over there. it was at least two years ago, so you are right, it has been going on for a long time, and will continue no matter what we do. glad you spoke up.
Gumphood - 2004-05-12 09:02:49
That area is really messed up. The whole area. It's not indicative of all the people that live there put there are so many zealous relgious fanatics its just out of control. Unfortunatly, there is no easy, reasonable, solution.
sarkasmo - 2004-05-15 13:48:23
I posted about the Nick Berg video, too. It's disturbing enough to have bothered me, the queen of the Not Bothered By That Sort Of Thing. Except it's not just the gore, it's that these men believed that by beheading an innocent guy, something was made fair. I think just the insanity of that notion is what sickens me more.
dnsebobs - 2004-05-16 05:42:44
I just saw the video tonight,what I could tolerate to watch of it before my head almost exploded from my jacked-up blood pressure. I say this is it,send those fucks 10K cases of windex and MIRV the crap outta their desert shithole.These people aren't even human anymore and no one will miss them except the other pathetic non-humans who'll have a windex-MIRV sandwich coming there way next.

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