
sassy - 2004-05-20 10:28:54
I think your memory is probably normal. I'm the same way, tell me something on Tuesday, on Friday I might not recall what it was unless it really effected me, and even then my first recollection will be vague. I have forgotten my home phone number, my partner's birthday, the time of an interview, etc. And I never did drugs, so I can't even blame them!
Gumphood - 2004-05-20 10:40:14
Often we forget things as a coping mechaism for life. Imgaine having a photographic memory and being forced to remember all those disgustinly boring parts of life like waiting in the doctors office, forever. That would be tough. Sometimes forgetting is a good thing. This was kinda off topic.
sarkasmo - 2004-05-20 11:00:21
I'm glad I'm not the only one with a bad memory. Except I USED to have a memory like a steel trap. My Grandma used to have a system of remembering things by cross-reference: what she had for lunch that day, how many children were in the car, what color swimsuit she wore that year, and whether the dogwood tree had been planted yet. You could ask her who lived in number 27 down the street the year I was born, and she'd say, "Hang on, I have to go through my Rolodex..." Then she'd stare at the ceiling for 30 to a million seconds and eventually give you the answer...once I turned 30, I realized that my Rolodex was bursting at the seams with all kinds of crap, and I don't even have kids.
tuff517 - 2004-05-20 11:55:27
Hey, at least Santa didn't leave your kids and IOU.
Erica - 2004-05-20 12:10:54
I have to write everything down, too. My day planner is bursting at the seams. It is better than being like my sister though. She "remembers" things from when we were kids that never even happened.
Boxx - 2004-05-20 20:41:08
Hi, I found you thru chaosdaily. I really identified with what you wrote today about the memory thing. I am an intelligent person but I can also be VERY scattered brained. I also forgot the tooth fairy and told my kids some lame story about the fairy must have been really busy and to try it again the next night (and I forgot AGAIN!) Third try was the charm. I do the same thing with my age...I have to do the math because I always *forget* just how old I am. You DID make me feel better to know that someone else out there does these sort of things. Where did I park my car? Where are my keys? Why has the water boiled out of the pot? SHEESH! It's amazing I haven't done some real damage with my forgetfullness.
Paula - 2004-05-21 16:20:38
I was going to write you something wonderful.....I think. Hmmm.....To change gears-----thanks for your nice note. It means a lot!
Gumphood - 2004-05-24 09:59:09
Give him seven minutes in a room alone with a live girl and see what happenes. Just kidding. hehehe.
caitlin - 2004-05-24 11:51:14
hey there! This is the first time I have read your diary - I read captain ron's diary quite frequently as he does mine so that is how I stumbled across your page - nice writing - very witty! Anyway, keep up the good work because I'd love to read more.
hotcarl - 2004-05-24 12:26:06
Its nice to find someone with the same memory problems as I. If it didn't happen today or yesterday I can't remember shite about it. My wife is just the opposite, she can tell you what we ate when we went out on our 12th date 10 years ago.

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