
Gumphood - 2004-05-26 13:51:03
There was the girl...Heidi. Oh god. Mistakes have been bigger, but its hard to figure out what those mistakes are.
tuff517 - 2004-05-26 14:04:56
Hi Buddy! That was a good entry!!!!!!! ;) 8o 8> :* :/ But my favorite one is the cheerleader *\O/* Rah rah for you and your wit. This comment was brought to you by sarcasm. And I enjoyed your use of the word 'nay'.
hotcarl - 2004-05-26 14:25:06
You should just tell him, "Her fucktard, it was nice talking to you, but I don't want to, nor will I ever want to have your babies. So chill it the f**k out and go find yourself a real girlfriend." Or better yet, you could just given to him, give him what he wants for a week then squash his heart like a soft browning grape.
mom-on-roof - 2004-05-26 15:18:58
Snort! Stick yer Smilies!
Paula - 2004-05-26 16:10:37
I was hoping to import some smiley guys here, but it doesn't seem to work. Damn! Guess I'll just leave you about 50 voicemails instead. HA!
lap - 2004-05-27 10:01:51
Also bothersome is the reconnection with someone from the past that makes you clearly recall why you fell out of touch. Having a boy I used to date calling and calling so we can hang out is endearing, but wearisome-especially since I was thinking "someone to see matinees with" and he keeps proposing events that will require scheduling and effort on my part. Like I am capable of that. On the other hand, I just met someone great from work who reads my diary, and had a blast talking with, but am getting that "Did I puke on her and forget?" feeling a little. Oh well.
sassy - 2004-05-27 10:35:25
I hate smilies with the fire of a thousand suns. That is all.
sarkasmo - 2004-05-27 21:44:09
First: I thought that said "the fire of a thousand nuns" at first. I think my way's funnier. Second: The last time I got "befriended" the way you're talking about, I was in high school. She would call me at 6am on the weekends because she was up doing aerobics. I mean, this was a girlfriend. We weren't dating. Just hanging out. And she was all smothery. Sister, I feel your pain.
alison - 2004-06-04 06:35:38
I have had more cheerful stalkers than you can imagine. I very quickly find the line between amusing and scary. That being said, I think I'm gonna read every entry you've ever written today, okay? Buddy? Are you there?

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