
elle-emme - 2004-06-02 18:00:59
re: the eating Fritos and the breathing on ------ ain't nobody that likes that.
Evil - 2004-06-02 19:32:52
LOL � eating Fritos! Years ago, my company had the nerve to train one especially computer literate member from each branch in what they referred to as Tech Advocacy. After training that person was sole responsible for all tech issues, in addition to the duties they were doing before the training, for the same amount of money. People were jumping over cars for that position, for sure.
JuddHole - 2004-06-02 19:34:07
Wanna be the web guy too? "There's an error on the web site." Okay, can you take a screenshot and e-mail it to me? "No, e-mail isn't working either." Can you get to any sites like Google? "No... doesn't look like it..." Well, genius, I've got a solution. Pick up your keyboard with both hands... Good... now bang it against your head while screaming, "WHY AM I SO FUCKING STUPID?!?!" Here endeth the lesson.
sassy - 2004-06-03 05:55:14
"(e) eat Fritos and breathe on me" Ewww... hee
Gumphood - 2004-06-03 09:18:37
I hate to say it, but I act like stupid Jimmy fallon in that stupid skit when I fix computers. And then I fight off wookies with Lightsabers.
Lauren - 2004-06-03 22:38:35
Yup, good old Photoshop. Anyone who knows me can tell the pic is fake because my yard never looks that well groomed. And thanks for your kind words. If the cats keep doing cute things, I just may turn my journal over to them.
Paula - 2004-06-04 10:38:11
Frito breath! Yummmm!

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