
elle-emme - 2004-06-07 17:09:32
um, to what homicidal neighbors do you refer? please alert me asap. though i do not mean that in a you're the ofc. manager way. i mean it in an am i in mortal danger way. xoxo.
hissandtell - 2004-06-07 18:19:13
Listen, you surly bitch, I have a homeless person living in my toilet and I expect you to do something about it before 5 pm today. Do you hear me? I want results NOW!
bendy - 2004-06-08 01:58:20
HIGHER DEDUCTIONS!!! This is seriously cutting in on my chewing gum allowance. I was barely getting by on all the free toilet paper and candy you guys supply for me. Screw this job and the office manager. I'm looking forward to celebrating Xmas in July.
pointless quote leaver - 2004-06-08 05:49:34
"Do not use a hatchet to remove a fly from your friend's forehead." - Chinese proverb
Sassy - 2004-06-08 05:51:12
Oh boy. I am also the "company bitch" Was hired as the Office Manager, took on soooooo much more, started handling HR, went back to school for that, and am still treated like the company bitch. Which is why I'm leaving and getting a job in straight HR. I so feel for you.
dinky - 2004-06-08 09:01:16
Have an "ooh" and an "aah" from me for being an Office Manager. Because I am young, bright-eyed and bushy tailed, and because I have three managers directly above me (and directly beneath the company owner), I will be an office manager where I work about the same time that Satan goes to work wearing ice-skates. You made me laugh too, by the way. I am also homeless and smelly. In fact, my van is parked in hissandtell's toilet (she's quite enterprising for a bum, and leases her toilet to me as a garage), so if you want it towed you'll need to check with her first.
NiceGuyMike - 2004-06-08 10:16:12
See, the perk for your job is ... you get to be surly because it's *required*. Most of us have to make nice all day. You, on the other hand, have the *responsibility* to let it all hang out, most of the day. I salute you.
Gumphood - 2004-06-08 10:16:53
I am glad you have a sense of humor. Now if I were calling...where would I be calling? Seattle? Montana? Where? This is the drinking question.
tuff517 - 2004-06-08 13:50:50
Excellent! For the longest time no one here could tell me my job title, but now I know what it is! Phew. I'm going to get that engraved on a name plate. Can I use that at home, too?
sarkasmo - 2004-06-10 14:12:36
i'm too lazy to look for another job, too. the only thing worse than staying in a job you hate is looking for another one that could end up being worse. sister, i feel your pain.

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