
Pam - 2004-06-25 12:15:00
Wow, I'm happy to know that my friend and I aren't the only ones to have seen Paradise Cove. It IS a masterpiece! Well, I'm a porn killer, so don't watch it with me. "Why are her nipples bigger than my head? AAAGGGGHHH!!!"
Steve - 2004-06-25 12:19:30
Well, there are a few websites purporting flying cars, but (1) they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, (2) they consume a TON of fuel, and (3) if even one is real, how come there is no picture of one of these cars actually, you know, FLYING? Heh. I'm not sure I am for the flying car anyway: it's bad enough worrying about who's coming from the left or right, do you really think people are going to (re)learn to drive in 3-D?? Those accidents would SUCK...
andclint - 2004-06-25 14:17:11
yes, on demand is my new favorite best friend. who cares if i wanna see bikini airways every afternoon? i do hope they expand the selection a little. can't wait for bikini airways 2!!!
JuddHole - 2004-06-25 17:52:27
I already have porn "on demand" in my head. The pause button sometimes gets stuck, but rewind is fully functioning and oft used.

I say bring on genetic altering as it can't get any fucking funnier than the platypus. Unless it's a Rottoodle and it's trained to kick its own ass.
Tom - 2004-06-26 09:45:59
Speaking as a guy who wears chicken feet on his head (although not severed ones. Yuck.) I have to agree with you about the porn on demand issue. It was a lot more stressfull demanding porn at the shops I used to frequent. Especially at the shops that don't normally carry movies, like hardware stores and restaurants. Now with Comcast, I can keep my wife happy without all the attendant public humiliation.
Gumphood - 2004-06-28 12:58:19
I would like that but for now I just have the ability to grab my roommates DVD's
sassy - 2004-06-29 09:52:53
On Demand has temporarly assauged my need for a Tivo. I love that when we moved and got a new box, we got a new remote with it's very own On Demand button on it. Hee.

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