
poolagirl - 2004-07-29 16:58:22
Just gotta love the Asscock family.
hissandtell - 2004-07-29 17:35:33
Have I ever told you how much I love you when you're disjointed, and discombobulated, and disenfranchised, and even disarming? (All the Ds, hey? Disrobed, too?) Oh, and amazingly, Johnny is here with me as we speak and he's Depping me silly. Yum. Love, R xxx
elle-emme - 2004-07-29 18:26:37
(1) the washington subway arrest(s) - what? are we in singapore? (2) nice yeah yeah yeah's lyric reference (3) i vote for wine and porn - yay wine, yay porn.
Gumphood - 2004-07-30 08:51:13
do columnists write back? I hope so. I am happy that you updated, and I am sorry I haven't been around more. Anyway, I am disjointed too. Johnny can stay in Paris...guys here need a chance with you women folk.
hotcarl - 2004-07-30 11:08:09
Your book sounds like the script I am writing. I may have gotten a bit further though, I outlines the whole story, but bailed out on the script writing after the first ACT. I love the dedication to our dreams our generation brings to the table.
Erica - 2004-08-01 19:39:26
Don't feel bad about the book, babe. I wrote a children's book MONTHS ago and always say "I'm in the process of having it published" when what I really mean is, I'm still putting the finishing touches on it and even trying to figure out HOW to submit it to a publisher. Also, I have had great luck in writing to columnists as I heard back from two I wrote to recently. One last thing - I'm always a fan of wine and porn myself!

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