
Gumphood - 2004-09-14 12:15:07
Cooch. I like cooch. Like the head cooch of a football team. hehe
pinkytusk - 2004-09-14 12:43:50
my husbands name is Rich, His dad is Rich too. When my father in law was a kid he went by Dick. When he remarried 10 years ago, his new wife changed is name to Rich. How funny is that.. you go by Dick your whole life and then you get married and the chick changes your name for you because she doesn't want to be married to a dick.
hil - 2004-09-14 12:59:59
Are you reading The Vagina Monologues or something? That sounds exactly like the sort of thing written in there... Half of the Dicks you mention don't apply her in Blighty...I guess there are more Dicks in America ;) well, duh! (In that there are more people in America, I mean...hehe) Dick & Jane here is "Peter & Jane" (but some people use "Peter" as a word for their male genitalia too point was?) or there was also "Janet & John"...but there again...John? John Thomas? Hmmm... Dick Turpin...Dick from Enid Blyton's Famous Five stories...Dick Dastardly from the Wacky Races...
purplecigar - 2004-09-14 13:09:46
Hil-I've never read The Vagina Monologues. Judging from your comments, apparently I need to add it to my list! Right now I'm reading Holidays On Ice by Sedaris. Yeah, I'm just now getting 'round to that one. I'm so johnny-come-lately regarding popular books!
Bigpimpinmba - 2004-09-14 13:23:03
Faster now Pussycat. Whooahooowoahhhooowhoaaahhh. Or Bond... Pussy Galore.

I'll submit Regina or Veronica as the name for female genitalia. (Wait, that happens to be the name of my ex-girlfriend and her sister.)
divaredneck - 2004-09-14 13:36:39
I agree. When I do my parties, I'm always looking for new inventive ways to refer to the female parts.
kaki321 - 2004-09-14 13:47:36
dick-dick-bo-bic-banana-fanna-fo-fick-fe-fi-fo-mick, DIIIIICCCKKKKK. Sorry, had nothing else to say today about the name Dick.
tuff517 - 2004-09-14 14:07:17
I want a slang name for the Hot Pocket, too. What about....hmm, a SHAZAM! I love that word. *\O/* - shazam!
tuff517 - 2004-09-14 14:08:04
Oh my gosh. If you don't know that's a cheerleader, it kind of does look like a .. you know, a 'shazam'.

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