
hil - 2004-09-27 14:34:24
ha ha, that was classic
nancy - 2004-09-27 14:40:12
i know, i have a 14 year old and hes the same... its almost a language of its own, like ebonics haha
BigpimpinMBA - 2004-09-27 14:54:42
You are soooo damn smooth with your song references... I know you put that in there just for me. I liked it better when they went by Timexx Social Club than Club Nouveau.

From all these rumors, I can�t take it no more. My best friend said there�s one out now about me and the girl next door.

Nicely done, as always, Miss Cigar.
Kitty - 2004-09-27 15:26:41
IMing: A privilege, not a right. Seriously, they should have some kind of grammar/spelling/understanding-that-numbers-do-not-belong-in-words test to get an AIM license. Then, and only then, they should be turned loose on the net, with the warning that even so much as a "LOL" can cause their license to be revoked.
sarkasmoo - 2004-09-27 15:44:11
dangit, you're not logged in. have a gr8 day!
Gumphood - 2004-09-27 15:44:40
What's your IM name!
purplecigar - 2004-09-27 15:54:11
Since it's on my profile, I'll go ahead and tell's purplecigar04.
hissandtell - 2004-09-27 18:52:36
I can't think of a single witty comment to make, because, well, I just woke up and need coffee, but also because I become enraged beyond all reason at silly little IM speak abbreviations and bloody cheery smiley-faces and hybridised Dr Moreau-esque letter-words. This anger is partly because I can't follow any of these morphemic abominations, and partly because I don't wish ever to learn how. And this combined lack of decoding skills and lexical ambition makes me feel pretty darned old and crotchety and curmudgeonly indeed. So damn those young'uns. Damn them to hell, I say. Love, R xxx
elle-emme - 2004-09-27 21:14:22
whn did u post this? 2-day was bizzee.
NiceGuyMike - 2004-09-27 22:11:29
That sort of thing doesn't make me feel curmudgeonly. It makes me sad that an entire generation is growing up without having any idea that they aren't able to spell or punctuate. A woman friend of mine said a very attractive young man emailed her one day to say something along the lines of "how are u? hope ur havn a gr8 day. miss u". She immediately wrote back and told him that, when he learned to spell, she'd be happy to see him again.
Amanda - 2004-09-27 22:15:08
I am 17 and I HATE how teens use those words. It's so stupid. They are just to lazy to type out the actual word. You did make a very funny entry though and it is very true!
twobaddogs - 2004-09-28 04:29:16
Here's a very scary insight for all y'all: In an effort to appear "hip" and "happenin'," English textbooks have begun to incorporate references to this kind of text/IM-speak crap that kids use to "write." The textbooks use this language as a way to differentiate between "formal" and "informal" language. What the fuck? Now it's being legitimized by textbooks?!? Who writes this crap?

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