
elle-emme - 2004-10-13 16:17:58
i have not experienced this seat-up phenomenon in women's restrooms. unless they've just been cleaned. strange, indeed! also, i know this is anal (no pun intended - i swear), but a little looking behind you after you flush and brushing off splashes on the seat would be nice. or else they may be mistaken for piddle.
Karen - 2004-10-13 19:43:14
The cleaning people at my company leave the seats up after they're cleaned them, so I actually feel a LITTLE better about the sanitation of things when they are up. Of course, I still use some TP as a barrier before I touch the thing.
Pinkytusk - 2004-10-13 21:32:38
I was going to say what Karen said.. about the cleaning thing.. At my office they have the complimentary seat covers which is nice... In theory. On the cardboard package that it comes it it says "provided for you by the management".. I always read this.. every time I go to the bathroom and it always makes me laugh and feel bothered at the same time... I'm thinking.. Wow! Management! You treat us so fucking well by providing us with these toilet seat covers! I owe you!
sarkasmo - 2004-10-13 22:50:03
oh my god, purple, you hate me. i sing and hum in the's something my mom always did, so i started doing it, too. she has a motto: "We McPeoplesons hum when we ______." [where McPeopleson is our last name and ______ indicates the activity during which we hum]. Bathroom acoustics are nice. Also, I was blessed with good teeth, so I love going to the dentist. And I had gastric bypass surgery, so I actually did elect to have part of my stomach removed. Technically, the parts were only separated, if that counts for anything.
Miss Poola - 2004-10-13 23:11:47
We had an early client one morning (before the cleaning staff arrived), and I was elected to make the sure the men's room was sparkling. Well.....use your imagination about what I had to do to make THAT happen! I went out for fresh air several times - wore latex gloves, etc. What is it with guys peeing on the floor?
BigpimpinMBA - 2004-10-14 08:33:57
I'm with you on this one. I often walk into the little restrooms at work, look at what a coworker has left for me and say loudly, with full-echo effect, "WHO WOULD LEAVE THIS CRAP HERE?" I work in a small company with about 25 people using the same two bathrooms. I would have a hard time leaving a mess when I work so closely with these same people on an everyday basis. How can people be such slobs?

And with the guy missing the mark problem... It's the initial push that gets you. Think of it like a plane when it makes its initial decent into the Newark area... you start off a little off the mark because of crosswinds or your trajectory being slightly off... After the initial adjustment, most guys can put it straight through the uprights. That's still no excuse for not wiping up the mess that you made.

I think I'll stop typing now before I type something I will regret.
Gumphood - 2004-10-14 10:30:30
Is there much worse than sitting in someone else pee, and smelling their ass? Not really. That's pretty darn bad. I need a robot that goes to the bathroom for me.
andclint - 2004-10-14 13:16:37
Theatre? Really?

I dated a young lady who could stand and pee. It was frightening and may have caused the break-up. She also had man hands.

And singing or humming is far better than groans or straining noises. Unless you're at the urinal next to me making any noise at all and that's just weird.
Beth - 2004-10-14 15:48:57
I work in an office with about 20 people and two bathrooms, and people never refill the toilet paper or paper towels, never empty the wastebaskets, never clean up the piddle...we all work together every day. How can they look at each other knowing how gross they are? No wonder I have a gigantic thing of hand sanitizer on my desk. These ladies are sick...
Erin - 2004-10-15 15:28:50
Great entry, purplecigar! I work as a temp, rotating floors in about seven different banks...I always sigh/eyeroll when I close the door to a stall in a corporate bathroom and see a cutesy sign on the back requesting me to "please flush". Because I'm so sure these women went to Ivy League schools and all... I've never actually been in a men's room at any of these banks, but I have sat in a cubicle NEAR the men's room at least a dozen times. I find (generally) the amount of time spent in said men's room is awfully short...too short to do business AND wash the hands, in my humble opinion. I've been known to crack the whip and send executive-types back into the restroom to "lava las manos". Makes ya think twice about eating goodies that people bring to work, doesn't it?
awittykitty - 2004-10-19 16:01:41
Ah, my favorite subject. Public restroom behavior. Here are my needs simply stated: No singing. No chatting. No peeing on the seat. And no I don't want to hand you toilet paper under the partition. If God had wanted bathrooms to be communal experiences, he would have built them that way. And yes, I use about 300 sheets of paper between cleaning the seat and opening the door going out. ha, ha. Anal? Yeah, baby! :-)
Sofia - 2005-09-02 10:24:59
nice to be seen

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