
Pam - 2004-10-26 18:17:24
I want to come work there with the free snacks!! My last office didn't have the free stuff, but it had the same "if you bring it, we will scarf it down" mentality. My friend and I used to say that we could put out a can of dog food and it would be gone by noon.
nancy - 2004-10-26 18:49:31
sounds like most places ive worked, no matter what you bring in, someone will eat it. and btw, i dont believe chocolate ever gets stale, unless its unwrapped and a couple of years old... even then, i still would give it a try! lol
BigPimpinMBA - 2004-10-26 19:26:28
There is a guy who goes to McDonalds and gets a value meal. He eats the Quarter Pounder with Cheese and then doesn't finish his fries (WHAT??). So, he leaves them on the lunch table. Even unclaimed fries are not safe if nobody has laid claim to them for 20 minutes. Savages. Absolute savages.

People at work love me because my kick-ass wife cooks all sorts of saliva-inducing treats for them. I don't even have to tell them what it is... As long as they know it's from Mrs. BigPimp.... GONE.

BTW.. Debbie Heavies, Animal Cracker Snatchers, and Frito Banditos is classic. And I'm a sucker for a Special Dark. Mmmmmm. Now I'm starvin for a Special Dark. I'm stopping at CVS on the way home.
awittykitty - 2004-10-26 20:16:26
I'd eat Little Debbie's even if they were from a Colonial History display at the Smithsonian. Mmmm.
elle-emme - 2004-10-26 21:02:15
i do not know (slurp) to what you refer (slurp slurp) ms. purple. (gulp, gulp, smack ... hot cocoa gone).
Erica - 2004-10-26 22:07:44
Where I used to work we had to have lunches catered in for clients on a regular basis and I am telling you people were like vultures on the leftovers. They didn't care how long that chicken salad had been sitting out, the minute that cart was rolled out of the conference room they were ON IT.
BigpimpinMBA - 2004-10-28 14:16:13
Hot Potato Hot Potato

Hot Potato Hot Potato

Hot Potato Hot Potato




Cold Spaghetti Cold Spaghetti...

Right back at ya.

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