
nancy - 2004-11-19 18:15:43
why dont you just have a party in the office, during the day? maybe the liquor wouldnt be as abundant, but people will be getting PAID to be there.... and the food doesnt have to be extravagant.... simple munchies etc.... and if you keep it simple enough, and leave food for the cleaning staff, it could just be agreeable to everyone. of course, if you use my idea, and it doesnt work out, its not MY fault, lol, as most things usually are.:P
Evil - 2004-11-19 19:08:26
Guess what, darlin'? I also have the honor of planning the Holiday party as well.
Here are my ideas so far: hash in the brownies and tabs of acid in the deviled eggs.
awittykitty - 2004-11-19 20:08:24
I'll only come to your Christmas party if I get to choose which person the aliens vaporize. And possibly if there are lots of Christmas cookies.
Erica - 2004-11-19 21:21:21
Honey, I hate this chore for you. As much of a "planner" as I consider myself to be, forced events just aren't my thing. I will however be happy to send along some ideas if you need them - with a standard disclaimer, of course. :)
hissandtell - 2004-11-20 06:33:27
So, have you got the Secret Santa organised yet? And the bonking cupboard reinforced and stabilised? Love, R xxx
bigpimpinmba - 2004-11-22 10:49:30
Wherever you have the event, make sure that there is a photocopier so that you can have the, "Makes nicest photocopy of their ass when they get loaded award."

Oh, wait. You were trying to NOT get fired. Scratch that.
Boxx - 2004-11-22 17:22:08
Company Christmas party? Oh, how I pity you. It should make for some good diary entries, tho. I added you.

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