
Gumphood - 2005-02-03 11:57:20
Yes. I completly agree, partically with the "it is not a big deal". The thing is did you know that people who don't use contractions are often lying. This is true for me because when I sad "it's not a big deal" i mean it.
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-02-03 11:59:23
Thank you for the tutorial. I now know why my officemates look at me funny when I respond to what they say instead of what they apparently mean.
Miss Poola - 2005-02-03 12:00:09
Yes, I can't stand the passive/aggressive martyrs of this world either. Just be honest! Or get off your butt and do it yourself!
Roebean - 2005-02-03 14:13:44
Loved the "If/Thens" it's so true, I see it everyday :) I particuarly like the "Did you get that done yet...?" that really means "um were supposed to have that done and back to me already!!"
E - 2005-02-03 21:59:00
So true! Thank god I got out of that enviornment!
Erin S. - 2005-02-04 11:13:41
Great entry, Purplecigar. Thank you!
hissandtell - 2005-02-06 01:06:27
Yes, but as someone who spent far longer in upper management than I cared to, there always seemed to be great confusion about who was actually responsible for particular tasks - even if they were clearly spelled out. I'm a dab-hand at the ol' "giving orders phrased as requests" simply because many, shall we say, "underlings" failed to recognise/acknowledge what their jobs entailed, or were resentfully reluctant to do things that were clearly part of their general job description without it being made to seem like it was their idea in the first place. I realise that's not precisely what your entry relates to, of course, but often phrasing a clear directive as a request was the only way I could delegate a task and be sure of getting a result, without having a slap-down argument or going through the long-winded and painful process of putting high-maintenance or moody employees with NFI of appropriate workplace conduct on Diminished Work Performance. And yes, I'm proud to say, everyone still thought I was a bitch anyway. Love, R xxx
Olaf - 2005-02-17 14:45:07
Shouldn't you have also pointed out that "no problem" is an incorrect acknowledgement after one says thank you when being served/helped. Oh, that is one of my pet peeves when I am being served at any type of retail/food service establishment by the younger set. Dagnabbit! I want to hear you are welcome!

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