
elle-emme - 2005-02-15 18:30:30
I just made a threw/through error and almost *threw* myself out the window.
nancy - 2005-02-15 19:40:36
lol yea, you said it for all of us
awittykitty - 2005-02-15 20:12:38
Surely a spanking by the grammar police is in order. What I do is I usually find missing words in the middle of my sentences and I'm like WTF? I know I said it when I was writing, but it just didn't come out through my fingers.
Terri - 2005-02-15 20:31:51
I used to have a friend who was an English major who hated to read my diary for that very reason. I bet she couldn't read ee cummings either. ;)
Gumphood - 2005-02-15 21:49:08
I've made a career on such errors.
shana - 2005-02-15 22:57:22
i have to make myself not go back and change words in my diary if i read them later and see they're misspelled. and then i'm all, like, "great googily moogily! it's a freakin' DIARY, not a dissertation!" but it's hard not to anyway. it's a rough life for english majors!
Miss Poola - 2005-02-16 10:47:42
English major (me) thinks about amazing writer (you) and says HALLELUJAH!
KnightsRide - 2005-02-16 13:23:50
"Your free to do as you please. Their certainly aren�t any rules against it." .........just wondering ...... was the "your" free to..... another sample of you doing it "on purpose?" Just wondering!
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-02-16 18:15:19
Your so funee. I dont think theyrs anything wrong with the whey your writing is said.
Andy - 2005-02-17 13:45:37
Screw spelling. I leave out complete words. I'm with you on punctuation. I love commas, those things are great, I hope they never stop making commas.
BlueMeany - 2005-02-19 07:16:40
I've finally found someone who gets as freaked out about this as I do! I've laid awake in bed some nights trying to think if I used the right word in an e-mail to my husband, even though his spelling is more like that of a coked-up chimp. Thank you for validating me.

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