
hissandtell - 2005-03-16 17:08:02
SALMON? Fuck me; how could you? Love, R xxx
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-03-16 17:12:51
"Dead sea was just sick"... I'm definitely stealing that one. I wish that my site was more visually enticing, but I'm an html moron and someone else designed the template for me and I don't know much about changing it.

Hey, where does Purple Cigar come from anyway?
mom-on-roof - 2005-03-17 08:54:20
Hope you won't be changing the color of your cigar now.
sockgirlie - 2005-03-17 09:17:54
Salmon? Don't even antique monitors know that my signature colors are black and red? Bah! 51' high def. TV, snacks and more snacks AND a cute son? I'm packing my bags and moving in!
diane - 2005-03-17 10:25:29
TV/Bed/Snacks and a good true-crime show...does it get any better? Thanks for adding me to your faves. I've added you back and am looking forward to reading all of your back entries. Congrats on the new luscious monitor!
diane - 2005-03-17 10:30:34
TV/Bed/Snacks and a good true-crime show...does it get any better? Thanks for adding me to your faves. I've added you back and am looking forward to reading all of your back entries. Congrats on the new luscious monitor! For some reason my connection sucks this morning, so if I have to hit the refresh button to post this and it ends up posting fifty-two times, please forgive.
tothefloor - 2005-03-21 18:39:54
Everything's fresh and new!

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