
Poolagirl - 2005-04-12 14:03:43
Cleaning out panties is good. I've actually done that more than once. HEE HAW!
Elizabeth - 2005-04-12 14:30:03
Thats okay because I actually read panty instead of pantry. I didn't even realize my mistake until you corrected it. I just figured you were a dirty dirty girl, living in a trailer will do that to you. I mean it's not white trash. yeah. I have a hard time staying up past 7 and I'm unemployed right now. So my day starts around 9am. I think not having a job has made me lazy.
chocolate chaos - 2005-04-12 14:37:13
yea i heard that rumor.... hehehhehee i dont stay up late, i just get up early. but you can only do so much cleaning of pantries and purging of closets, so once that is done, whats left but late night tv??
Clarity - 2005-04-12 14:41:17
I usually don't crash at night until 2:30 A.M., Your entry made me aware of all the things I SHOULD be doing with my time. should see MY pantries. :)
Gumphood - 2005-04-12 15:39:24
I'd write about panties on Dairyland. That or like milk.
awittykitty - 2005-04-12 20:25:41
hissandtell - 2005-04-12 22:57:53
Panties? Ah, yes; I had some once, but they were abducted by aliens and subjected to a rigorous, ruthless and relentless probing, I believe. (Or maybe that was me.) Love, R xxx
GoingLoopy - 2005-04-15 00:47:03
I'm one of those late-night people who wastes their time on panties. Or pantries. Or endless games of Text Twist and Rocket Mania. You know, productive stuff.

And isn't it funny how your entry WASN'T really about panties, but all your comments are? :)

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