
Lauren - 2005-05-24 16:25:49
Well thanks! Now I feel all unpopular and stuff because I don't have a stalker. Maybe I can share yours?
twobaddogs - 2005-05-25 09:56:34
I know what you mean about the word "blog," although it doesn't bother me the same way. What does bother me is that sort of fish called scrod, because, ewww, it sounds like something that should be scraped and cultured.
virtual stalkers suck - 2005-05-25 14:39:01
while stalking you would be fun, why, OH WHY, do people do this? it's always creepy, never cute. damn cinemax and their soft core porn where the stalker always "converts" his stalkee to be his lover. (btw, i knew this guy from india, kumar stalkee)
elle-emme - 2005-05-25 16:49:49
my stats tracker hasn't ever worked right for the whole what-page-did-who-look-at thing. but porkchop in london finds it creepy tyat i can look at my stats tracker and tell if he's been looking at my diary - so if you look at it that way, it is we, the stats-checkers, that are the stalkers. not the stalkees. or, um, something.
hissandtell - 2005-05-26 02:55:00
Scrod is indeed an awful word, because it reminds me of Scrote - but it's not as scary a fish name as Bloater. I mean, aside from the obvious imminent threat of explosion from one, it sounds too much like "Floater" - which is, you know, too damned faecal to go into right now. (And that hideous Bloater Paste that English people eat - is it just me, or does it make everyone instantly think of smegma?) Love, R xxx
diane - 2005-05-31 12:31:27
I have the same scrod/scrote connection as Hiss does, so it's always difficult for me to really enjoy eating scrod. Also, it's been a while since you've posted. Just want you to know you are missed!

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