
gumphood - 2005-09-06 13:58:39
Classic Entry. I would say that Rico Sueve is way cheesier than ANY of these.
Andria - 2005-09-06 14:21:54
I, too, am a proud fan of the cheese. And, I agree that Richard Marx, in spite of his puffy mullet, was (and is) hot. I hate people that dis the cheese. Vive la fromage!
Blue Meany - 2005-09-06 14:22:57
But you see, ABBA can use "jive" because they are ABBA. Even though I don't speak jive.

Also! I'd say "Every Breath You Take" is CLEARLY a "stalker song" and not a "cheey song."
Meany again because she can't spell - 2005-09-06 14:24:13
That is, "cheesy." I am so fricking anal about spelling. Why am I like this? WHY??
sockgirlie - 2005-09-06 16:38:29
I've got your back on Richard Marx and 'Against All Odds' but 'Lady in Red' is my LEAST FAVORITE SONG OF ALL TIME. And I'm not sure I agree with it being cheesy per se - I would just say that it plays on a continuous loop in all 6 levels of Hell.
GoingLoopy - 2005-09-06 21:55:29
Okay. Richard Marx does have talent, despite his overzealous use of the hair products. And I would say that "Every Breath You Take" is not cheesy. Some of the other ones...yes. However, as we all know, cheese is delicious...except for the kind that is kind of stinky. Like the kind made by Phil Collins. I'm just saying.
divacowgirl - 2005-09-06 23:13:20
Abba rocks, how can anyone not want to boogie to "dancing queen". I can't believe I said boogie.
NiceGuyMike - 2005-09-06 23:27:40
I was pretty distressed to see "Lady in Red" on that list, because I've always liked that song. Abba, I can SO live without.
Elizabeth - 2005-09-07 12:20:50
I don't think cheesy and bad go hand in hand. I'm guilty of having cheesy tastes too. But there is nothing like embarressing your friends by singing richard Marx at the top of your lungs in a public place. Though Michael Bolton is what really drives them crazy. I'll have mine with extra cheese please.
Erin G. - 2005-09-07 15:22:15
Lady In Red. Dude. A guy I knew in college STALKED me with a boom box until I wore a red dress. Then, he cornered me and hit "play" and was all: "May I have this dance?" (you have to say that in a low Rico Suave voice) So, cheesy on the LIR? I vote yes! But I have a cheesy memory attached to I'm a little biased!
BigPimpinMBA - 2005-09-07 16:02:09
I could barely read that entry without crackers. Sweet Moses... What DO you consider cheesey?
ChicagoJo - 2005-09-12 10:08:59
Some city friends and I went to the burbs to the cheesiest wedding ever, and I made a long-shot bet that the DJ would play "TLIR" as one of the last songs. Many thanks for your list. I won $100 because you reminded me of the song.

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