
Elizabeth - 2005-09-14 17:37:55
It's because they are cheap to employ. Most companies are doing that now. I worked for the IT department and a large Corporation that rhymes with horizon and 85% of the people that worked there were Indian. Whether here in the states or in India. Hardest part is understanding what they say. Especially when they were in India. It's easier when they are standing in front of you and you can just pretend to be busy and tell them to write it down.
Chad - 2005-09-14 17:47:08
Ah, I have the answer. Lipstick was originally designed to stick to glass, rather than to lips. You're lips are not glass. Therefore. Voila! I am a genius. Or, I was a genius until my synapses were outsourced to a small suburb of Bombay where, I am assured, they are quite happy, and enjoying a nice goat curry dish.
Greg - 2005-09-14 17:58:09
Here's a little tip for the next time you call Dell. Keep redialing tech support until the music you hear while on hold is Classical music. Classical hold music usually means you will be connected to the Austin, TX call center. I learned this a few years ago from a friend in the bus. and it almost always works, though it helps if you can autodial.
Meany - 2005-09-14 18:47:22
Oh! You could get that surgery where they permanently dye your lips! And then when you eventually have to learn to speak whatever language Indians speak, you will look SO GOOD doing it.
NiceGuyMike - 2005-09-14 20:50:18
I don't know if it was Big Red Barn Shoes, but I went to a place when I was a kid that had prizes like that! I'd forgotten completely!
GoingLoopy - 2005-09-15 15:15:42
...I just usually act like enough of a jackass that they give me a supervisor. Or just push buttons until something works.
Jess - 2005-09-16 02:05:57
Eh, I work for Dell at an outsourcing center. And just for the record, most large corporate & government accounts are held within the US. Even most of medium support is here. Perhaps you just have bad timing/luck when calling in? Upgrade to a gold support contract & you'll always end up in the US. I suppose it's worth it if you have problems with dialect. I know what you mean about problems being understood with a southern accent, btw. It sucks.

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