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Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005 - 4:39 P.M.

There�s a new fashion craze in young Hollywood--chunky bangles and long, beaded necklaces. Not one to shirk-off a new trend, I went out this weekend and bought myself some chunky bangles and long, beaded necklaces. There are a couple of things that suck about this trend. To wit: 1] I used to have tons of bangles and long necklaces back when they used to be fashionable (which, I know, one could argue was never), but threw them all out because I figured that craze was never going to be seen again (like, jelly shoes and puffy shirts. What?); 2] the thing about chunky bangles is that you can�t really type or write or do anything that requires having your wrist flat to a surface; and, 3] the thing about long necklaces is that, if you are a girl (and last time I went potty, I was), the necklaces tend to lasso around one breast or the other making them loco noticeable. Like they're all, �Hi. Where I was a normal breast before and you may or may not have noticed me, now you have no choice but to check me out because I�m outlined in shimmering turquoise. Woot!� In summary, I�ve learned that if one is going to adopt this new trend, one must be a rich woman with no need to use one's hands and no delicacy whatsoever about, nay, embrace and covet one's breast being highlighted. Ergo one must be Paris Hilton.

Depending on which route I take to work I sometimes pass an adult bookstore. When I do pass the bookstore, the time is approximately 7:40ish. That the bookstore is open at that hour is not surprising. What is surprising is that the parking lot is generally packed. Now, I believe I�ve made my love of porn well-known here so I won�t travel that path again, I�m just wondering 1] who needs porn at 7:40a.m.; and, 2] if you are the type of person who needs porn at 7:40a.m., one would suspect you are also the type of person who would be on a strict, well-regulated diet of porn. You are a virtuoso of porn, a professional. Not only a probable charter member of the porn society, but a recruiter of new members�a master bader, if you will. Surely there can�t be that many people who, at 7:00a.m. said to themselves, �Aw, hell! I forgot to stop by the bookstore and get my porn last night. Guess I�d better get it on up and beat it on over there.� So to speak.

9 comments so far

You Give Me Fervor - Friday, Feb. 17, 2006
Revamped Sex Camp - Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006
I'm Not Dead - Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006
Ebert And Roeper? Watch Your Backs. - Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005
Coffee? Tea? Map? - Monday, Nov. 07, 2005

� Purplecigar

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