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Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 - 4:29 P.M.

I consider myself to be a somewhat computer savvy person. More than somewhat, actually. Certainly more than many people I know. So several weeks ago when my keyboard just wigged out and starting typing an �f� when I actually hit the letter �y� and doing this: �djjkdfj� when I hit the tab key, I was not perplexed in the least as to what the problem might be.

I believe I�ve duly noted here before my love of Cheetos and Diet Cherry Coke. If say, perhaps, one was careless in the manner in which one enjoyed these delights, debris could fall into one�s keyboard and effect its functionality quite a bit. I did what any smart, driven employee would do in this situation. I ordered the absolute mother of all keyboards, charged it to the company and blamed the entire incident on the intern.

Being computer savvy, I�m more than capable of disconnecting the old, snack-ridden keyboard and connecting the new, crumb-free keyboard. However, on the day my new keyboard arrived it just so happened that the outside IT person we employ to look after our computers (install/re-install software, reformat, etc.) was here. (And by the way, we employ this person not because I can�t do these things but because I don�t have time. Whomever would write my entries?) Anyhow, he all but insisted that he would hook it up for me and asked why I was getting a new one. A fine question for him to ask since he installed my new computer (complete with new keyboard) less than three months ago. I deftly deflected this question by stating that he had �really cool hair.� I told you. Deft, no?

As luck would have it, he dropped my old keyboard as he disconnected it. It landed, alas, butter side down, er, I mean, key side down. Okay, seriously? Like, entire ham sandwiches were falling out of my keyboard, dude. The homeless could have been well-fed for at least a week with these remnants.

I�ve learned my lesson. Oh, I�m not going to quit snacking. Don�t be silly.

I�ll just do it over my printer from now on. I need a new one anyway.

5 comments so far

You Give Me Fervor - Friday, Feb. 17, 2006
Revamped Sex Camp - Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006
I'm Not Dead - Tuesday, Jan. 10, 2006
Ebert And Roeper? Watch Your Backs. - Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2005
Coffee? Tea? Map? - Monday, Nov. 07, 2005

� Purplecigar

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